1,119 research outputs found

    From Baker Street to Tokyo and Back: (para)textual hybridity in translation

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    This paper addresses the ‘textual web’ surrounding one individual source text, presented here as an example of what is an increasingly common occurrence: while intersemiotic translation (to use Jakobson’s term) boasts a longstanding tradition, it is only relatively recently that Adaptation Studies has emerged as an autonomous field of academic enquiry. Mark O’Thomas defines the difference between adaptations and translations as being the fact that the first take place across media while the latter are produced across cultures (2010:48). This distinction, however, is not always clear cut: we are witnessing the multiplication of ‘hybrid’ texts that move between languages and cultures, while simultaneously playing with both genres and media. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, A Study in Scarlet, published in 1887, has been translated into numerous different languages and indeed there are several cases of multiple translations into the same language – there are at least 17 Italian versions, for example. The book has also been widely adapted for both film and television: the majority of these adaptations appears first in English and is subsequently dubbed or subtitled for foreign markets but the opposite is also true. One of these many adaptations, and arguably the most well-known, is the BBC series Sherlock, created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, first broadcast in 2010. So far so normal. However, following the popularity of the series around the world, the pseudonymous Japanese artist Jay has produced a series of adaptations including the first episode, A Study in Pink, as Manga in his native Japan (2014). This first manga has now just been published in English (2017), among other languages, but bears some of the distinctive textual and paratextual features of its previous Japanese incarnation (it reads ‘back to front’ and right-to-left, is produced in black and white, has vertical balloons). The hardcopy texts are also surrounded by copious amounts of online material (screenplays, youtube videos, blogs, reviews, fansubs, amateur manga translations, etc.). This paper will analyse the (para)textual features of the volumes and, in particular the English-language edition, highlighting the conscious hybridity of the text. Belying any notion of the homogenizing effects of globalization, these publications are evidence of a dynamic textual exchange, an overlapping of translation and adaptation, a blurring of media and genre, an interlingual and intercultural métissage.Le roman policier Une étude en rouge d’Arthur Conan Doyle, paru en 1887, a été largement traduit et adapté pour le cinéma et la télévision, en particulier dans la série Sherlock pour la BBC. Suite au succès de la série dans le monde entier, l’artiste Jay a produit une adaptation manga dans son Japon natal (2014), par la suite traduite en anglais (2017), parmi plusieurs autres langues, avec certains des traits (para)textuels distinctifs de sa première incarnation japonaise (il se lit « à l’envers » et de droite à gauche, est imprimé en noir et blanc, les bulles sont verticales). Les exemplaires papier sont entourés de contenus en ligne (scénarios, critiques, fansubs, scantrads, etc.). Cet article analyse les traits paratextuels des volumes, notamment ceux en anglais, français et italien, mettant en avant l’hybridité consciente du texte. Ces publications témoignent d’un échange textuel dynamique, un chevauchement entre traduction et adaptation, un gommage des distinctions entre les médias et les genres, un métissage interlinguistique et interculturel

    Recenzijų vertinimas: vertimai ir literatūrinė spauda

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    Within the wider context of (re)translation and reception, this paper outlines a model for assessing how literary review publications address (re)translated works and whether there has been any discernable evolution in their approach over the period during which Translation Studies has emerged and consolidated itself as an academic discipline: the corpus comprises all issues over three separate years (1980, 2000 and 2018) of two international, English-language literary reviews (The New York Review of Books and London Review of Books). The analysis covers all reviews of works of literature translated from any language into English, both for the first time and retranslations, assessing whether there is any observable diachronic change over the time period in question. Although the scope of the material under inspection is limited, this study outlines the methodology developed for analyzing the manner in which reviews address translated texts and, more specifically, retranslations: this methodology, which involves classifying the corpus according to a taxonomy of features typical of the genre, is applicable to wider investigations across different languages, text types, time spans, platforms. Issues examined include how the reviewers assess the quality of the (re)translations; how texts are quoted; the significance of paratextual elements; the figure of the reviewer; whether retranslation is highlighted and/or reviewed differently to first translations. Future applications of the model are also considered. Šiame straipsnyje pristatomas modelis, kurį galima taikyti norint įvertinti, kaip recenzijose literatūrinėje spaudoje pristatomi knygų vertimai, ir keliamas klausimas, kaip keitėsi vertimų recenzijos ir verstinių knygų recepcija per maždaug 50 metų, per kuriuos vertimo studijos iškilo ir įsitvirtino kaip atskira akademinė disciplina. Autorė pateikia platesnį vertimų (ir pakartotinių vertimų) kontekstą, remdamasi 1980, 2000 ir 2018 metais išleistomis literatūros apžvalgomis ir recenzijomis, paskelbtomis dviejuose tarptautiniuose anglakalbiuose laikraščiuose – The New York Review of Books ir London Review of Books. Analizuojamos visos literatūros kūrinių, išverstų iš bet kurios kalbos į anglų kalbą, recenzijos, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar knyga išleista pirmą kartą, ar tai jos pakartotinis vertimas, vertinant, ar analizuojamu laikotarpiu pastebimas diachroninis jų vertinimo pasikeitimas. Nors tiriamosios medžiagos imtis yra ribota, šis tyrimas padeda parodyti sukurtos metodikos taikymo vertimų ir ypač pakartotinių vertimų recenzijų analizei galimybes: metodika, kurios esmė – tekstyno medžiagos klasifikavimas pagal žanrui būdingų ypatybių taksonomiją, gali būti taikoma platesniems tyrimams lyginant vertimus keliose kalbose, tekstų tipus, įvairaus ilgio laikotarpius, platformas. Tarp nagrinėtų aspektų yra kaip recenzentai vertina vertimo kokybę, kaip tekstai cituojami, paratekstinių elementų svarba, recenzento asmenybė, ar pabrėžiama, kad aptariamas pakartotinis vertimas, ir (ar) pastarųjų vertinimas skiriasi nuo pirmojo vertimo vertinimo. Aptariamas ir modelio taikymo galimybės ateityje

    Faktai ir prasimanymai. Archyvų vaidmuo vykdant grožinės literatūros vertimo tyrimus

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    This paper examines the role of traditional physical archives within Translation Studies research, investigating the contribution that such resources can add, providing information that otherwise would not be available in existing scholarly volumes, academic journals and digital material. The question is illustrated with the specific case of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (1925) and its first two translations into Italian, carried out respectively in 1936 by Cesare Giardini and 1950 by Fernanda Pivano. Both translations were published by Mondadori, Italy’s largest publishing company, as part of two different series, I romanzi della palma and the later Medusa collection.Adopting a microhistory approach, the study of these translations, through the resource-rich archives of the Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori in Milan, can shed light on a number of issues that the text alone cannot provide: documentation, including the other books published in the same series, highlights the target audience that Mondadori were seeking to address; the paratextual elements of the books themselves are revealing of the prominence (or otherwise) of American literature in general and Fitzgerald in particular within the Italian literary polysystem at the time of their publication; in the case of the first translation, readers’ reports on the novel indicate how the censors of the Fascist regime might receive the somewhat racy themes contained in the book, while, in the case of the 1950 translation, correspondence between the publisher, literary agents and the translator herself highlight the many issues surrounding the ultimate publication of the volume.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas tradicinių archyvų vaidmuo atliekant vertimo tyrimus, tiriama, kokios informacijos, kurios kitaip knygose, akademiniuose žurnaluose ir elektroniniuose ištekliuose tiesiog nebūtų, jie suteikia. Remiamasi konkrečiu F. Scotto Fitzgeraldo „Didžiojo Getsbio“ (1925 m.) vertimų istorijos pavyzdžiu, konkrečiai, pirmaisiais dviem – 1936 m. Cesare Giardini ir 1950 m. Fernandos Pivano – vertimais į italų kalbą. Abu vertimus skirtingose serijose („I romanzi della palma“ ir vėlesnėje „Medusa“) išleido didžiausia Italijos leidykla „Mondadori“.Šių vertimų tyrimas taikant mikroistorijos metodą ir pasinaudojant turtingais Milano „Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori“ archyvų ištekliais gali padėti atsakyti į daug klausimų, į kuriuos tekste atsakymo nerasime, pvz., dokumentai, įskaitant kitas toje pačioje serijoje išleistas knygas, išryškina tikslinę auditoriją, kuriai buvo skirti „Mondadori“ vertimai; paratekstiniai knygų elementai atskleidžia amerikiečių literatūros apskritai ir konkrečių autorių (ypač Fitzgeraldo) reikšmę italų literatūros polisistemoje jų išleidimo metu. Kalbant apie pirmąjį vertimą, skaitytojų laiškuose yra informacijos, kaip fašistinio režimo cenzoriai gali interpretuoti šiek tiek rasistinius autoriaus pareiškimus knygoje, o leidėjo, literatūros agentų ir pačios vertėjos susirašinėjimas leidžiant 1950 m. vertimą parodo, kokias problemas teko spręsti rengiant leidinį spaudai

    Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe: The Reception of Retranslations and how readers choose.

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    One of the paradoxes of the digital age is that it has fostered small, independent enterprises alongside corporate multinationals, a trend reflected in publishing where international players co-exist on the web alongside small, independent publishers often keen to commission retranslations as ‘safe bets’. Due to customers’ ease of access over the Internet and sellers’ low costs, book sales increasingly correspond to the ‘long tail’ statistical model whereby high numbers of relatively few bestsellers are sold, with the graph ‘tailing off’ sharply to a high number of items selling few copies. Many retranslations are often available simultaneously and, as sales are spread among them, will tend to be distributed along this tail. As online book sales increase, whether as hard copies or in digital format, when it comes to buying a translated text, customers often find themselves confronted with a choice between several different editions. This paper investigates some of the influences affecting choice, using Italian retranslations of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and English retranslations of Machiavelli’s The Prince as examples. Reference will be made to the shift from professional review writing to online customer appraisals and star-ratings, the presence of retranslations on bestseller lists as well as to the importance of paratextual elements such as book covers

    The Practice of Self-Care among Counseling Students

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    Self-care behavior is recognized as an important component for the helping professional who practices in the field of counseling or who is training to become a helping professional. Occupational stress and burnout in the field of counseling is of great concern. This study examined the practice of self-care among master level counseling students to determine their present level of self-care behavior and its impact on their level of stress. A survey was conducted and the results indicated that lower levels of self-care increased levels of stress among master level counseling students

    Mindfulness Behavior and Its Effects on Anxiety

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    A quasi experimental study was conducted at a South West State University counseling program to investigate if using meditation techniques would lower levels of anxiety and create mindfulness attention awareness among counseling students enrolled in a counseling skills course, taught in a masters-level counseling program. A total of 29 students were recruited from three counseling skills courses, two of which were included in the treatment condition and one was designated as the control condition. Students in the treatment condition were instructed in one pointed breathing meditation and it was practiced for five minutes at the beginning of each class. The results indicated that, there was a significant reduction in anxiety in the treatment group; however, no significant changes in mindfulness were noted

    Project initiation workflow for research involving personal data

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    This document outlines the preferred process for initiating a research project involving personal data at the University of Glasgow. It includes a summary workflow diagram, a full workflow diagram with links to relevant resources, and a list of key contacts. Version 2.0, 2020-08-19

    Patient preferences for stress urinary incontinence treatments : a discrete choice experiment

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    Funding: The study was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment Programme (project number: 12/127/157). The full project report is available from the funder’s website: https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/hta/BTSA6148%23/abstract. The full citation for the funder report is: Abdel-Fattah M, Cooper D, Davidson T, Kilonzo M, Boyers D, Bhal K, et al. Single-incision mini-slings versus standard synthetic mid-urethral slings for surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women: The SIMS RCT. Health Technol Assess 2022;26(47). The Health Economics Research Unit and Health Services Research Unit are both funded by the Chief Scientist’s Office (CSO) of the Scottish government health directorates. The SIMS trial was registered as: ISRCTN93264234.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Single-Incision Mini-Slings for Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women

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    Supported by the NIHR (NIHR Evaluation, Health Technology Assessment Programme; funder number, 12/127/157). We thank all the SIMS trial patients without whom this trial would not have been possible; the members of the independent trial steering committee (Chris Mayne [chair], Isobel Montgomery, Dudley Robinson, Lynda Harper, Eleanor Mitchell, and Khaled Ismail) for their supervision of the trial and their guidance and support; the members of the independent data monitoring committee (Peter Brocklehurst [chair], Lee Middleton, Christian Phillips, and Doug Tincello) for their work in assessing all serious adverse events reported to the trial office in real time; Phil Assassa for his substantive role in the trial, including the obtaining of funding, the design of the protocol, and the recruitment of patients; Athele Khunda for his role in patient recruitment and for his contribution to the trial; and Ahmed Mansor and Katie Gillespie for their contribution with the systematic review.Peer reviewedPostprin